Student Transportation To/From the Career Academy
Transportation for In-District Students:
Sioux City Community School District Bussing (free)
Busses pick up students from each home high school before school and travel to the Career Academy.
Busses pick up students from the Career Academy around lunch and travel back to each home high school.
Busses pick up students from each home high school at lunch and travel to the Career Academy.
Busses pick up students from the Career Academy around after school and travel back to each home high school.
Students at East High, North High, and West High with a valid driver's licenses can also choose to drive themselves to and from the Sioux City Career Academy.
On Street Parking
Students may park in metered parking spots (Fee – see City of Sioux City website for updated rates)
Students may park in 2-hour or 3-hour public parking spots (free)
Students are not permitted to leave class or get on their phones during class time to pay the parking meter or move their car
Parking Ramp
Students may park in public parking ramps and pay daily, with a prepaid parking card, or a monthly parking pass. (Fee – see City of Sioux City website for updated rates)
Transportation is not provided for Out-of-District students.